Language Localization Translation

Continuous localization

Globalization is a phenomenon affecting almost every large company. Nowadays, as a synonym of success, we can perceive introducing the largest number of products to new markets. However, it is not an easy process – it consists of multiple steps, including content adaptation to the needs of regional recipients. That is why traditional localization strategies […]

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Culture Language Translation

Happy Birthday Google!

Google approached its quarter of century of existence, and because of another birthday bringing us closer to this milestone in internet history we would like to use this occasion to examine the influence of the Mountain View giant on the language. Californian company has, in its portfolio, many projects, which make it easier for us […]

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Language Translation Travel

Carry-on summer translator

The main subjects of interest during summer holidays are travelling, relaxation in faraway countries, and seeing new places. For many people, the language barrier can then become a problem, causing them to avoid contact with foreigners and lose the opportunity to get acquainted with other countries’ cultures. During an era ruled by the internet and […]

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False Friends Language Travel

Italian-Spanish False Friends and Cognates

Since Italian and Spanish share a close Latin origin, Italian speakers who communicate in italiano standard and Spanish speakers using castellano are able to chat and exchange ideas to some extent. However, when we consider words that sound alike in both languages but completely differ in meaning, a lot of amusing and certainly puzzling situations […]

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Books Culture Language Translation

Translator vs proper names

Working as a translator , you are often faced with challenges posed by a text. This problem concerns especially those who work with literary and artistic pieces. One of the most ‘troublesome’ elements are proper names. Due to their complex nature based usually on a strong link between culture and the language of the text, […]

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Culture Language Travel

Korean language and its secrets

The increase in popularity of Asian cultures, as well as rapid economic growth of the region, has brought along with it an increase in the number of people interested in learning Asian languages. There’s a significant demand for translators specialising in languages of the Asian region, with the most popular ones being the languages of […]

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Culture Language Translation

AI and the future of translation

With the advancement of computer technology in the 21st Century, there has been a rise in various forms of software and web applications which allow us to instantly translate any form of media with the click of a button. Various tech giants, such as Google, Microsoft and Apple, are continuously developing and perfecting this technology […]

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Culture Language Translation

Interpretation and emotions

Does an interpreter doing a consecutive interpretation or a simultaneous interpretation have a right to express emotions? Or maybe the interpreter should forfeit expressing emotions entirely while interpreting? Some situations, which warrant the use of an interpreter, can be quite overwhelming. So, in what ways should they behave in these situations? Interpretation of difficult and […]

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