Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

Language diglossia

Since the times of the Prophet Muhammad, the Arab People have shared a deep respect for the spoken word. That’s why, nowadays Arabs are still very attached to the official form of their language. The official Arab language is considered to be the language of culture, civilisation and, most important of all, the language of […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

The resurrected language

It can be intimidating to approach Hebrew for the first time. A different writing system, a different language family. Not to mention reading the other way around! But don’t worry, the Devil is not so black as he is painted, or rather written. Hebrew vs. Yiddish Hebrew’s history has been marked by ups and downs, […]

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Dla tłumaczy Nowości i promocje Technikalia

Text localization into Polish

What is localization and why do people practice it? Localization stands for a place, but when it comes to translations it is a procedure basing on adjusting ready translation to a cultural reality of a certain country or region. As opposed to translation, this process allows to implement changes in the source material, such as […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Marketing Nowości i promocje Technikalia Tutoriale

Product localization into Polish

Entering the Polish market? Most important tips about localization of proper names into Polish. Since Poland is one of the biggest markets in Central Europe, many global companies are willing to enter this market. This process is undoubtedly impossible without a product’s professional translation and localisation from English, regardless of the type of product. Many […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

Two Norwegian languages – bokmål and nynorsk

People who are learning Norwegian language are usually extremely confused. Imagine learning any sort of foreign language and suddenly it turns of that there is another official language which differs a little bit, both in pronunciation and writing. Additionally this language is continuously in use. Furthermore, there are over 400 dialects, which can cause some […]

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