Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Technikalia

What are machine translation and post-editing?

Machine translation, in other words automatic translation, is very often confused with Computer Assisted Translation. The former is done by machines – their software uses algorithms, set of rules, is assisted with artificial intelligence, and bases its work on translation memory from previous documents. The latter is done by humans, who with the use of […]

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Books Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Słowniki

A brief look at online dictionaries

An inseparable tool used in contact with foreign language is a dictionary – particularly essential in the process of learning. It is often used by translators, who although they have an extensive knowledge in terms of vocabulary, may not know a term appearing especially in a specialised text. Online dictionaries are extremely popular nowadays. They […]

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Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny Między słowami

Behavioural linguistics

In the 21st century, mankind experience an unprecedented level of information flow, and thus, the creation of numerous offers aimed at attracting as many customers as possible. However, it is easy to get lost in the overflow of data, and new marketing strategies are failing because of the excessive amount of content and the lack […]

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