Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

International Translation Day

Apart from the traditional holidays which usually are in red on the calendar, during the year there is much more interesting dates which can be celebrated. One of them is the 30th of September, generally associated with Boy’ Day, however that day we can also celebrate International Translation Day. This holiday is celebrated for a […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

A pioneer in the wedding industry – and more interesting facts from the United Kingdom

Great Britain is most frequently associated with the royal family – Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles or Prince William. When we think of this country, beautiful pictures of London and Big Ben appear in our heads. The United Kingdom has also got an extensive history and a lot of outstanding people, such as William Shakespeare and […]

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Marketing Między słowami

What makes the translation industry so strong?

Currently every branch is experiencing the effects of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Such a scenario has taken place many times in the past, among others in 2008 during the Great Recession. However, there are branches which were and still are profitable despite tough market conditions. One of these is the translation […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

The resurrected language

It can be intimidating to approach Hebrew for the first time. A different writing system, a different language family. Not to mention reading the other way around! But don’t worry, the Devil is not so black as he is painted, or rather written. Hebrew vs. Yiddish Hebrew’s history has been marked by ups and downs, […]

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Dla tłumaczy

Legal translations – some important facts

Legal translations are one of the most popular specialist translations both for corporate and individual clients. Let’s find out a few important facts about them. Legal translation is the type of specialist translations with language used in a legal context and for legal purposes. Among legal translations we can distinguish the ones for court (sentences, […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

The German language – almost all of us studied it at school, but who speaks it fluently?

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages is an extremely valuable tool. It is a basic requirement, which is considered in many situations, incl. job recruitment or conferences. The command of German also is of great importance and increases your chances of getting a better job. German is widespread all over the world and is the first […]

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